Have you or a business you know fallen for any of these customer service myths? In this article, we look at what I consider to be five detrimental customer service myths that many decision makers might have heard or believe. Read more.
Customer Service Tips Blog
Customer Service Training Tips, Best Practices, and Horror Stories
5 mistakes that will cost you customers!
There are many things that can drive customers away. In this article, I am only covering five of those mistakes. Making even one of these mistakes can cost you customers. Letting your customer know how busy you are. Customers want to think they are the most important customer you have. On a phone that one might take from a customer, this may sound like, “I only have a few mi ...
How to Attract, Hire and Retain Top Talent
Last year I did a little “field research” to improve upon my complimentary talk on “How to Attract, Hire and Retain Top Talent". It was eye-opening. I embarked on a three-month journey to see how companies actually did with the attraction part. I might say most failed miserably and I cannot say there was any one company that shined at this process. To really find out how compa ...

The Difference Between Customer Experience & Customer Service
With more and more competition in almost every industry, communicating the traditional competitive advantages is slowly eroding (ex. “we provide great customer service”). Organizations are looking at what some are calling the new “competitive battlefield” or customer experience. Customer experience is so much more than providing exceptional customer service. What is the difference between the two? Read more
Things NOT to say to a customer and why!
Do business people really say these things?
It is shocking what I hear businesses say to customers that reek of bad customer service. The same business will say, "We have great customer service." or "We pride ourselves on having the best customer service." Unfortunately, these businesses don't realize they actually have a problem with their staff NOT providing the kind of service the owner thinks is being provided. Read More...
Sales Training vs. Customer Service Training
What does customer service have to do with sales and marketing? EVERYTHING! Companies who provide ongoing exceptional customer service often spend half the money in marketing and attain twice the results. Additionally, properly trained salespeople who have exceptional customer service skills are more likely to close the sale. Read More...
Check Your Junk Mail
For those who like to make web inquiries, there is nothing more frustrating than making a web inquiry and never hearing back from the company with which you made the inquiry. If you are a company spending valuable marketing dollars to drive traffic to your website, make sure you have someone responding promptly to web inquiries and make sure it is someone good in customer service! Read More...
The 5 W's & H of Exceptional Customer Service Part 6
Common questions people ask me are usually the 5 W's and H of providing exceptional customer service (who, what, where, when, why, and how). My last blog was on why is exceptional customer service so important? This final blog in our series of six is the how.
How should exceptional customer service be provided? Making sure your staff is properly trained is most important. Here are some tips to get started. Read More...
The 5 W's & H of Exceptional Customer Service Part 5
when, why, and how). My last blog was on where should exceptional customer service be provided? My last two blogs in the series of six will cover the why and the how.
Why should exceptional customer service be provided? This is an easy question to answer. Read More...
The 5 W's & H of Exceptional Customer Service Part 4
Common questions people ask me are usually the 5 W's and H of providing exceptional customer service (who, what, where, when, why, and how). My last blog was on where should exceptional customer service be provided? The next few blogs will cover each topic in detail.
When should exceptional customer service be provided? Every time you have a customer interaction, be it on the phone, through your website, in-person, or by email. Read More...