The Voice Customer Experience provides mystery shopping services for inquiries made online via your website contact form, and/or via email inquiries. Many companies lose business when they do not have a prompt and professional response to these types of inquiries.

Our process:

  1. Our founder and professional trainer, Beth Boen will discuss what information you want gathered on the mystery shop and compare it to our mystery shopper evaluation form. The form is then customized to meet your needs.

  2. Once we know what information you want collected, together we determine the best scenario(s) to get that information.

  3. The mystery shops are then made by professionally trained mystery shoppers. 

  4. Once the inquiry is made, responded to, and the dialogue is complete, Beth Boen reviews all the data and provides actionable recommendations to re-train staff in areas needed. She will also provide recognition for best practices in her report.

  5. The email string and any phone dialogue transcripts that may have happened is emailed to you along with the recommendations. When clients receive these reports, they are always welcome to contact us to further discuss our recommendations report.

Pricing varies on email and website contact form mystery shops depending on whether or not phone follow up is required by the client. When phone interaction is requested in conjunction with email interaction, pricing will be the same as our phone mystery shops. If only email dialogue is requested, pricing will be lower. Please contact us for a free consultation and for custom price quote.